jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Social Studies Vocabulary


1- Accomplish means to bring a finish.
2- Amerigo Vespucci was a European explorer.
3- Circumference means the distance around a circle.
4- Circumnavigate means to sail allthe way around.
5- Declare means to say or announce.
6- Encounter means to neet unexpectedly.
7- Exact meand without any mistakes.
8- Exist means to have being.
9- Expedition means a journey taken for a special reason.
10- Ferdinand Magellan was an explorer.
11- Fleet means a group of ship sailing together.
12- Historical means known to be true of history.
13- Landmass means a large amount of land all together
14- Occur means to happen.
15- Portugal is a European country touching Spain.
16- Prove means to show that something is true.
17- Realize means to understand.
18- Route menas the way to a place.
19- Strait means a narrow passage of water.
20- Voyage means a trip by water.

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014


Remember, when we round numbers to the nearest 10 without using the number line, we look at the digit in one's place.  If the number has 4 or less ones, we round the number down to the nearest 10.  If the number has 5 or more ones, we round the number up to the nearest 10.

We want to round numbers to nearest 100.  The number 217 is closer to 200 than 300.  The number 217 rounded to the nearest 100 is 200

The number 1,150 is the same distance from 1,100 and 1,200.  Any number that ends with 50 (has a 5 in ten's place) is rounded up to the nearest 100.  The number 1,150 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,200.

When we round numbers to the nearest 100, we follow the same simple rules, only we look at the digit in tens' place.

1. If the number has a 4 or less tens, we round the number down to the nearest 100.  The number 217 has a 1 in ten, so 217 rounded down to 200.

2. If the number has 5 or more tens, we round the number up to the nearest 100.  The number 782 has 8 tens, so 782 is rounded up to 800.  The number 1,150 has 5 tens, so 1,150 is rounded up to 1,200.

Did you know?

The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean.  It is twice as big as the Atlantic Ocean.  The smallest ocean is the Artic Ocean.  It is ten times smaller than the Pacific Ocean and five times smaller than the Atlantic Ocean.  It is still a large body of water!

Of all water on Earth, about 97 percent is salt water and only 3 percent is fresh water.  Of all the fresh water, 69 percent is frozen and 30 percent is underground.  There is much water in rivers, lakes, and streams, but water makes up barely 1 percent of all fresh water on Earth.  Let's keep our water clean!

In 1870 a giant jellyfish washed ashore in Massachusetts.  It was 8 feet, or 2.5 meters, in diameter.  It weighed about 550 pounds, or 250 kilograms.  That's a lot of jellyfish.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Capitalize wiht M.I.N.T.S.


A quick lesson to reinforce the five times that students neet to use capitalization.  With this acronym the student remember the rules for capitlization.

Stands for months.
Example: My birthday is in December.

Stands for "I" whenever you are talking about yourself.
Example: If I go to the store, I buy ice cream.

Stands for names of things: people, street, countries.
Example: Carrie, who is from Kansas, would love to go Italy.

Stands for titles.
Example: I love the movie Frozen.

Stands for start of a sentence.
Example: Capitalizing is easy when you remember M.I.N.T.S.

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Learn about Punctuation

1. Helps a reader understand a writer's message.
2. Helps a writer express his or her meaning clearly
3. Punctuation can change the meaning of some sentences.

Exclamation Marks
-Use to show feeling or emotion

Example: What a surprise!
                 I love my gift!

Question Marks
-Use to indicate a question is being asked.

Example: Where did I put my homework?

-Use to end statements and imperatives.

Example: It is raining outside.
Put your coat on.

Quotation Mark
-Use to show the exact word that are spoken.

Examples: "for me?" she asked.
"Yes, you," he answered

-Use to make a contraction and show possession.

Example: can + not = can't
Cinderella's shoe


-Use to separate the names of a city and state or a city and country.
Example: The Space Needle is in Seatle, Washington.
The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France.

-Use to separate items in a series.
Example: Granny baked cookies, cupcakes, and a pie for my birthday party.

-Use before or after quotations.
Example: Katie asked, "Are you coming to my birthday party?"

-Use with and, but, and or to join two simple sentences.
Example: Lori loves science, but Adam prefers social studies.

-Use after greetings and closing in letters.
Example: Dear Joe,
Your friend, Max

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Use the Dictionary

A dictionary is a special book that gives a list of the words of a languge in alphabetical order and explains what they mean and provides a lot of other information about a word.

What is the use of dictionary?
*To see the meaning of words.
*To check spelling of words.
*To learn pronunciation of a word.
*To break a word into syllables.
*To see the label for noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, pronoun and interjection.
*To learn the plural of nouns and  tense of the verb.


domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Benefits of Reading

Everyone knows that reading is important, but have you ever asked  yourself why? In this list I gave to you 10 benefits why reading is so important.

Kids who read are more likely to suceed.

Reading exercises our brains.

Reading improves concentration.

Reading improves a child's vocabulary and leads to more highly-developed Language Skills.

Reading teaches children about the world around them.

Reading develop's a child's imagination.

Reading help kids develop empathy.

Children who read do better at school.

Reading is great form of entertainment.

Reading relaxes the body and calm the mind.


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