miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Learn about Punctuation

1. Helps a reader understand a writer's message.
2. Helps a writer express his or her meaning clearly
3. Punctuation can change the meaning of some sentences.

Exclamation Marks
-Use to show feeling or emotion

Example: What a surprise!
                 I love my gift!

Question Marks
-Use to indicate a question is being asked.

Example: Where did I put my homework?

-Use to end statements and imperatives.

Example: It is raining outside.
Put your coat on.

Quotation Mark
-Use to show the exact word that are spoken.

Examples: "for me?" she asked.
"Yes, you," he answered

-Use to make a contraction and show possession.

Example: can + not = can't
Cinderella's shoe


-Use to separate the names of a city and state or a city and country.
Example: The Space Needle is in Seatle, Washington.
The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France.

-Use to separate items in a series.
Example: Granny baked cookies, cupcakes, and a pie for my birthday party.

-Use before or after quotations.
Example: Katie asked, "Are you coming to my birthday party?"

-Use with and, but, and or to join two simple sentences.
Example: Lori loves science, but Adam prefers social studies.

-Use after greetings and closing in letters.
Example: Dear Joe,
Your friend, Max

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